The first thing that will be on screen is the opening credits and title. I decided to do this because I enjoy it when films fade into the move from the title card. The first shot is an establishing shot followed by a long shot from behind some bushes looking at the characters, this is done to show that they are being watched. Then through the scene Arthur and his mentor are speaking in the woods about the ancient amulet. The mentor is used to explain the history of the amulet and what it can do.

Inside the castle there will be a shot of the throne room door. You will hear the king scream "What!" as if you were walking in on a conversation Then you will see the king angrily asking one of his spys who he saw the amulet given to. The spy will respond (he is very scared, on the ground bowing at the kings feet.) The king then throws the spy out and calls for Merek. Merek enters and kneels before the king (his father). The king will then give him the mission to retrieve the amulet. Merek says that he will bring it back, and the king says if he fails then Merek will be banished. You will get to see that the king is very evil and that Merek is just following orders.
By doing the film in this order you see the two main characters and the lives they live. I understand that by doing it this way it is not very obvious that Merek is the protagonist, but he will be the only one that the audience should identify with. Arthur will not be interested in the story he will be told by his mentor and he will be kind of a dick when he is given the amulet. So the next post that you will see from me will be the first day of filming post.
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